why so serious, laugh at it



          When we listen to most of society and the media we here a lot of negativity, along with seriousness and negative emotions like fear, worry, anxiety. Life can seem cruel, harse, and unfun. I believe the negativity and emotions associated can begin to rule our life and cloud our perception of the world. This can cause much unhappiness, illness and disease. I believe that keeping a sense of humor or having a lighter less serious attitude can reduce hardships if not eliminate lifes pitfalls. The Bible in Proverbs 17:22 states a merry heart does good like a medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. Laughter has been shown in medical studies to reduce stress hormone levels like cortical and adrenaline. It also increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins ( these are the bodies natural pain killers) and neurotransmitters. This can help raise a persons theshold to pain. I have seen medical studies that state 10 minutes of exposure to humor increases T cell (immune system antibodies) 20-30%. The next day T cell production was increased by an additional 30%. You have the greatest most effective pharmacy in the world within you, it is called your endocrine system. All of the most powerful drugs effects are already in your body in the form of many different hormones.  What determines the hormones with in us that are released, is ATTITUDE. I believe it is our responsibility to react with a appropriate healthy attitude right for us.

          There are two sides of every event, even a so called tragedy. I believe everything happens for a purpose, and at the right time. In the Bible it says words to the effect of God never gives us anything that we are not ready or capable of. I believe that life is a journey, it is unfolding.  If you follow the sequence of events leading up the the upheaval or news and into the immediate future and beyond, you will often see a positive or needed outcome. So it’s like you are you come into a unfamiliar turn (uncomfortable event), but as you continue around the corner maybe your greatest achievement or a miracle will unfold. It is to early to respond as if there is something wrong. We can be so conditioned by the negativity and fear to only see the effects of the short term hardship. When faced with simuliar perceived challenges we tend to see things though the eyes of our limiting mind of fear. Our conditioning of fear and other negative emotions than elicit a release of stress hormones. If a threat is perceived by our mind, it effects our intelligence. Our blood is shunted from our frontal brain (rational, critical thinking,problem solving) to the hind brain (reflex behavior not involving intelligence). During acute and chronic stress the blood is also shunted from vital organ that absorb nutrients, assimulating energy, repair damaged cells and help eliminate wastes. Exhaustion and damage to all systems will result. 


Studies have shown that our response to stressful events can be changed by whether we view an event as a ‘threat’ or a ‘challenge‘. When faced with a challenge we can bring out the power that is with in us (our spirit). I believe our spirit has no limits and has extreme power. I believe and it says in the Bible that we were not meant to be small. Humor can give a more lighthearted perspective. A lighthearted approach can help us view events as challenges’. This can make them seem less threatening and more positive.  

          How do I find the humor or the lighter side in trials and tribulations? It may not be easy to all the sudden be a dragon slayer, so I believe in gradual progress. I believe the more of these strategies you apply your confidence/ faith will grow in momentum. Smile As you enter a hardship (event, talking to difficult person).Think of smiling from your heart, without cockiness. The smile is knowing you are capable , ready and being able to be successful in all endeavors. Our smile lightens seriousness and people that may be competition, serious, or controlling (including ourselves. Smiling for me also makes everything I encounter easier and more forefilling. Smiling allows you to have fun even in the worst of lifes offering (sickness, death). This smile shows our faith, or gives us faith and strength.

Find the humor in life: Instead of complaining about how life is not going well, try to find some humor in it. If something is so frustrating, depressing or ridiculous, realize that you could look back at it and laugh. The great comedian Charly Chaplin said ’ The formula for laughter is to take pain & play with it. Think about telling it as a story you would tell your friends, and then see if you could laugh on it, or write it down in a journal seeing the ups and down of the event. With this attitude, you may find yourself being more lighthearted and silly, giving yourself and those around you more to laugh about. Try to approach as much of life as possible in a more mirthful way. Studies have found that we get the positive effects of smiling or humor whether it’s fake or it’s real. So smile more and fake laugh. It’s contagious, it will lead to real smiles and laughter. Watch whatever you find funny (buy programs and regularly watch) . Watch 10-15 minutes a day. Go to a  comedy club with friends. Try not to be so serious!!! Seriousness has a heavy feel, that can also transfer onto others and into everything that you do. Try not to be to hard on your self in sports, business or relationships, know that you can work on your short comings. When seriosness or hardships arises ask yourself will this make any difference in ten years or even in a half an hour.

Find what was good optimism in everything

Losing a game

List of possible light hearted or humorous points in hardships

Bad news: there are two sides of every story, think of that other


Loss of a job:or divorce: there maybe a better job or person out there, and this maybe your opportunity to excel

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