Checklist For Hidden Anger/Resentment


1. Procrastination in the completion of imposed tasks.

2. Perpetual of habitual lateness.

3. A liking for sadistic or ironic humor.

4. Sarcasm cynicism or flippancy in conversation.

5. Frequent sighing.

6. Over-politeness, constant cheerfulness, attitude of “grin and bear it”.

7. Smiling while hurting, laughing at nothing funny.

8. Frequent disturbing or frightening dreams.

9. Over-controlled monotone speaking voice.

10. Difficulty in getting to sleep at night, or sleeping through the night.

11. Boredom, apathy, loss of interest in things you usually like.

12. Slowing down of movements.

13. Getting tired more easily than usual.

14. Excessive irritability over trifles.

15. Getting drowsy at inappropriate times.

16. Sleeping more than usual – maybe 12 to 14 hours a day.

17. Waking up tired rather than rested or refreshed.

18. Clenched jaws or grinding teeth, especially when sleeping.

19. Facial tics spasmodic foot movements, habitual fist clenching, etc.

20. Apologizing when none is asked for.

21. Chronically stiff or sore neck or shoulder muscles.

22. Chronic depression; extended period of feeling down for no reason.

23. Stomach ulcers.

24. A pain in the neck, gut or back, headaches.


*Because you are UNAWARE of being angry does not mean that you are not angry. It is the anger you are unaware of which can do the most damage in you and to your relationships, since it does get expressed in inappropriate ways. Hiding anger destroys friendships and marriages because the by-product is resentment, learn to say “That makes me angry” or “ I do not like it when….” Take the risk of recognizing when you are angry, and telling someone about it. It won’t make you a “not nice” person, but a more honest and relaxed person.