By Lolita Pinney
A whole new year is mine today…
May I be wiser, Lord, I pray!
I’d strengthen friendships, old and
And learn to cherish new ones, too!
To keep on learning and to grow,
A little better as I go.
To cast aside each grudge and grief,
And hold fast to a firm belief,
That life is joyous, gracious, good.
When lived in terms of brotherhood!
To welcome fun, and play a while,
To lighten work with happy smile!
To thank the Lord and every day,
Remember Him, and kneel to pray,
In gratitude for strength and health,,
And blessings which are all my wealth!
This year’s a gift from God to me,
To spend, or use, or set me free….
A whole new year is mine today….
May I be wiser, Lord, I pray!