Episode  Title: “High Noon In Mayberry”

Lesson Title:  “A Bad Case of Courage”

Biblical Theme:  Courage


Psalm 23:4: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


Sure the world today is a scary place, but look on the bright side, more fear can mean more courage.  To have courage means to take a chance with the boldest part of us to accomplish the noblest deed in front of us, and often this is what fear stands against.  For most of us, the ultimate fear is the final fear of death, either for ourselves or our loved ones.  But we need not fear death, if Christ lives in us.  If Christ does not live in us, we should fear what happens after death.  If we have the courage to act for him, then we have nothing to fear at all.


Parable: The Moral of Mayberry…

When fear came to Mayberry, courage left on vacation.  Good thing Andy Taylor had so much Gary Cooper in him.  Only Andy stood his ground while Barney had Otis and Gomer running scared.  Eventually, the terrified trio even passed their paranoia on to Aunt Bee and Opie.  Briefly describe how each person acted with or without courage.

Andy: believed the best about Luke.

Barney: spread fear , but tried to protect.

Otis: afraid for himself, went anyway.

Gomer: too foolish to be afraid.

Luke: came to make amends.


What are you afraid of?  What gives you courage?

Personal response.


Courage can benefit others, fear seeks to safeguard self.  When we fear, whether rejection, uncertainty or physical harm, we can create a prison for ourselves.  Courage comes from faith in God and frees us to act in the best interests of all.  Read Psalm 27:1.  Consider how fear affected the actions of Barney and Otis.


What made Barney think the worst about Luke?  What kept Andy from feeling threatened?

Fear caused Barney to assume the worst about other people.  Courage and faith in fellow man, freed Andy from feeling threatened.


How did Barney try to convince Otis?  What motivated Otis more than Barney?

Barney used fear to goad Otis, saying a new sheriff might not be nice to Otis, and later, that he would tell the town Otis was yellow.  Otis was more afraid for himself than of Barney’s threats.



We need courage to admit we are weak, and intelligence too.  In fact, some fear is smart fear.  The world tells us to say we are not afraid of anything.  But Christians should let others see our fear of the Lord. Read Luke 12:4-5.  Remember to humble yourself to help someone else, you have to be brave.


How was Andy brave to admit he had been scared?  What could Opie take from this?

Andy was brave to let Opie think less of him.  And Opie learned it’s okay to fear some things.  If Andy had put up a false front, Opie could have felt ashamed and denied fearing anything.


Courage won’t always be a big show.  It can be as simple as an apology which might still be hard.  But you should not fear admitting a wrong if you are being right for Christ.  Every action should help to create a place in your life that Christ wants to live.  Read Hebrews 3:6.  Think about how Luke made amends.


How did Luke show courage?  How hard was it for him to come to Andy?

Luke showed courage by apologizing when he was wrong.  He went a step further and thanked Andy for being right.  It is never easy to right a past wrong rather than just let it sit.


Reflection” At The Fishing Hole…

Joshua 1:9:  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


Courage comes from God.  Fear comes without God.  Not surprisingly then , courage leads to accomplishment while fear freezes us in our tracks.  The Bible includes courage , along with study of the Word and obedience to the law, as a key ingredient for success.  Read 1rst. Chronicles 22:13.  With the courage to do what is right, even if the world sees you as a failure, you will be a success in the eyes of God.  The next time you are afraid , call on God and gain courage.  Read Isaiah 35:3-4. 


Like Andy, have you tried to do what is right despite being afraid?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Because Barney was uncertain, Aunt Bee became certain to fear.  When we carry uncertainty by ourselves, we show others we have not trusted God with our lives.  To let the Lord have  your anxieties will require action, but your casting will be rewarded with care.  Read 1rst. Peter 5:7.  Courage comes through God’s comfort. 


Like Barney, have you wasted time fearing the worst?

Personal response.


Like Aunt Bee, have you let others influence you with fear?  Give an example.

Personal response.



Luke had the courage to stop using fear.  When others fear us, we can feel powerful, but true power lies in love.  As Christians, we should not want others to fear us but rather love and respect our God.  To soothe your fear, remember his love, for their fear, allow him to love them through  you.  Read 1rst. John 4:18.


Like Luke , have you tried to stop others from fearing you?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Action: Get Out Your Bullet…

1 Corinthians 16:13-14: Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong.  Do everything in love.


Until Christ comes , we are to be on guard with our faith through courage and strength in love.  Those that don’t believe in God have only the world and so live by its values in fear.  Christians, however, live to develop eternal values and tell others about salvation in Jesus.  When you see with the eyes of faith, you realize the threat of your enemies means nothing if you have courage in the Lord.  Read 2nd. Chronicles 32:7.  When you believe in the Lord, you can live for him free of fears, of life or of death.  Read Philippians 1:20. 


How can you gain courage over death?

We need not fear death if Christ lives in us.  Christians live to develop eternal values and tell others about salvation in Jesus.  With eyes of faith, you can see that death holds not threat.


What should you always be afraid of?

Godly fear is good fear.  If Christ does not live in us, we should fear what happens after death.  If we have the courage to act for him, then we have nothing to fear at all.


Why will you show your fear to others?

The world tells us to say we are not afraid of anything.  But Christians should let others see our fear of the Lord.  To humble yourself to help someone else , you have to be brave.


Is there something you need courage to accomplish?  Have you prayed for bravery?

Personal response.