Episode  Title: “Opie And The Spoiled Kid”

Lesson Title:  “The Value Of Good Values”

Biblical Theme: “Values”


Luke 16:15: What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight.


It’s obvious what we should value, right?  Wrong.  While the world sees value in wealth, possessions and status, by contrast, God sees value in generosity, kindness and humility.  In other words, the world tells us to be selfish, while God tells us to be selfless.  So how can we tell which one we are listening to?  Check your actions.  What things do you think about the most?  What do you spend the most time doing?  Do you find it difficult or easy to be generous, kind or humble?  Remember, what the world values is temporary, often even here on Earth, but what God values will prove eternal.


Parable: The Moral of Mayberry…

Here, Opie had his values challenged, and changed for the worse before they got better.  Pulled in opposite directions, Opie traveled through a valley between values.  On one side, Arnold, not content to be the only rotten one, tried to ruin Opie as well.  And on the other side, Andy found himself defending his family values to one of his own family.  But Mr. Winkler got the biggest shock when his son valued a bike above all else.  Briefly tell how each acted out their values.

Opie: obeyed, later pitched a fit, became obedient again.

Andy: stood firm with Opie, stood up to Mr. Winkler.

Arnold: flaunted bike, taunted Opie, demanded things his way.

Mr.Winkler: tried to defend Arnold, later took him to the shed.


What do you value?  How did you develop your values?

Personal response.


Our values reveal us, whether righteous or wicked.  Of course we can see this in others most obviously by their actions.  But God can see this spiritually in all men by the state of our souls.  To the soul of the righteous, God provided fulfillment; to the soul of the wicked; God gives nothing but craving, until they find him.  Read Proverbs 10:3.  Consider how Arnold acted and why.


What did Arnold value?  How did Arnold show what he valued?

He valued his bike, obviously.  Just as much , he valued getting his own way, right or wrong.  He showed this by riding on the sidewalk, manipulating Opie and throwing a tantrum over his bike.


Was Arnold happy with what he valued?  Did having what he valued satisfy Arnold?

He was happy with his bike, for the time being.  But Arnold indicated his satisfaction was only temporary by his constant attempts to appear superior no matter who he was around.


Our vision determines our values.  If we focus our vision on worldly goals, our values will arrange themselves to support those pursuits.  By contrast, if we focus our vision on Godly goals, we will come to value the long term rewards of a Godly life.  Much like Moses, our faith in God can enable us to arrange our values around him.  Read Hebrews 11:26.  Think about what happened to Opie.


What did Opie value?  How did Arnold change Opie’s values?  Why was Arnold able to?

At first , Opie shared Andy’s values, humility, respect, kindness.  But Arnold got Opie thinking selfishly.  By manipulating Opie’s sense of fairness, he made Opie focus on Opie.


Often, we need someone to help us shape our values.  Values that are simply allowed to form usually follow the pattern of the world’s values.  As mature Christians, we should first acknowledge we need the power of Christ to combine our faith with our actions.  Read Hebrews 4:2.  Then our actions will reflect his values and those values will be worthy of instilling in others.


What did Andy value?  How did he try to help Opie to form good values?

Andy valued Opie, and he wanted to raise him with honesty and integrity.  That is why he talked openly with Opie.  Andy not only held Opie accountable for bad decisions, but he rewarded Opie for making the right decision.


Reflection: At the Fishing Hole…

Luke 12:15.  Then he said to them.  “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”.


We must guard our values.  If we don’t, society with its emphasis on material possessions, may shape our values for us.  Those values are directed toward an earthly kingdom, but Jesus challenges us to direct our values toward the kingdom of heaven.  Placing too much value on the things that make you comfortable in this life reveals a tragic short-sightedness, as well as a lack of faith that God can provide for you.  Read Luke 12:29, 31.  Rather , you should learn to value the things that will make you comfortable for eternity.  In doing so, you will find yourself willing to give up all of the things of earthly value for the kingdom that is of heavenly value.  Read Matthew 13:45-46. 


Like Arnold, have your values gotten you into trouble?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Mr. Winkler paid the price for bad values.  Unfortunately, in our materialistic world, it is difficult not to admire nice possessions, like Arnold’s bike.  By the same token, it is all too easy to promote a focus on obtaining earthly treasures, even by questionable methods.  However, people that search for happiness in possessions find only recurring dissatisfaction and eventually spiritual death.  Read Proverbs 10:2.



Like Mr. Winkler, have you made an effort to correct another’s values?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Opie had to evaluate his values, the good , the bad and the lazy.  Dubious offers such as “less work for more pay” might challenge the values of anyone with an honest work ethic.  Yet whenever you value selfish indulgence over diligent effort, you waste the time you could be proving useful both to yourself and others.  Show that you value the time God has given you.  Read Proverbs 10:4-5. 


Like Opie, have you had your values challenged, either for worse or for better?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Action: Get Your Bullet…

Psalm 119:36: Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.


You should pray for God to shape your values.  This is the most important action you can take to control yourself.  Apart from God, you will surely value material things as a means to selfish security.  But true success has less to do with a little money than an entire kingdom, the kingdom of heaven.  Being a citizen of this kingdom, means making Christ the King of your life.  When you do this, his selfless values will begin to become your own.  Read Luke 12:33-34. 

Then your faith will free you from the anxiety that always follows a focus on money. On the day you stand before the King, you will be focused on either leaving behind your earthly treasures or receiving your heavenly reward.  Read Romans 2:7.   Value the latter.


Why should you develop good values?

To the soul of the righteous, God provides fulfillment; to the soul of the wicked, God gives nothing but craving, until they find him.  Value what will make you comfortable for eternity.


How can you develop good values?

If we focus our vision on Godly goals, we will come to value the long term rewards of a Godly life.  Still, we will need the power of Christ to combine our faith with our actions.  Pray for this.


What do “good values” hold important?

The world sees values in wealth, possessions and status.  But God sees value in generosity, kindness and humility.  Thus, the world holds we should be selfish, while God holds we should be selfless.


What values have your actions revealed lately?  How can you show better values?

Personal response.