Episode  Title: “Aunt Bee’s Medicine Man”

Lesson Title:  “A Prescription For Temptation”

Biblical Theme: Temptation


Matthew 26:41:  Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. 


It seems some us watch out for temptations so we can be sure to take full advantage of them.  Instead, Jesus warns Peter to watch and pray so that he will not give in to temptations.  Prayer is important because it focuses us on God, from whom we derive our strength to resist temptation. When we focus more on the object of our temptation than God, that thing becomes a false god, from which we cannot draw any strength.  In this way, through the areas we choose to be weak in, we give our temptations power over us.


Parable: The Moral of Mayberry…

When Aunt Bee convinced herself she was weak, she made the Colonel’s allure of a cure seem stronger.  Driven by doubts, she allowed to creep in, she set up herself to be enticed.  Meanwhile, the Colonel was too busy counting his cash to count the cost of his temptations.  Luckily, Andy spared himself by focusing on feeling fine, then he spared others by telling what a tempter the Colonel really was.  Briefly describe how each interacted with temptation.

Aunt Bee:  fleshly focus , fell for the lie of the elixir.

Andy: satisfied with himself, felt no need to be fixed.

Colonel Harvey: used a promise of salvation to sell product.

Ladies Aid: fell into a trap, no guard against temptation.


What tempts you?  How do you resist temptation?

Personal Response.


We are often tempted at our weakest point.  One reason this happens is because Satan watches for a time to attack.  When Christ was tempted in the wilderness, he used Scripture to repel Satan.  Read Matthew 4:3-4.  So can we.  The weaker we feel in an area, the stronger our knowledge should be on what the Bible says about that area.  Consider how Colonel Harvey “attacked  Aunt Bee.


How did Colonel Harvey tempt Aunt Bee?  How did he play upon weaknesses?

He claimed he could fix what was wrong.  He also listed common health concerns that would cause anyone to feel poorly.   He preyed upon Aunt Bee’s insecurities over her well-being.


Sometimes we set up ourselves to be tempted.  We do this when we put ourselves in a position that places us at a disadvantage.  To be strong, we should focus on God and serve him only.  Read Matthew 4:9-10.  Spiritually lost people are tempted much more easily that those with spiritual security. Think about how Aunt Bee allowed herself to be tempted, and how Andy did not.


How did Aunt Bee set up herself to be tempted?  What made her vulnerable?

When she heard bad news, Aunt Bee focused on feeling sorry for herself.  She convinced herself she should be worried when there really was no need.  In this condition, she made herself an easy target for the con.


Why wasn’t Andy tempted?  How did he resist the Colonel’s temptation?

Andy was secure with himself.  Not only did he not focus on feeling weak, but he did not have a need to feel stronger.  Andy was simply satisfied , so the Colonel’s temptation held no draw.


Those that have given into temptation must be dealt with swiftly, and gently.  We should reach out with reconciliation, rather than strike them with condemnation.  At the same time, our correction should not be without backbone, lest in comforting the tempted, we should fall prey to the same temptation.  Read Galatians 6:1.  Act in humility to both the sinner and the Lord of you and them.


How did Andy help others face their temptation?  What was important about his method?

Andy knew the Ladies Committee did not realize what was happening.  Rather than judge them, he quietly brought them in, sobered them up and let them go.


Reflection: At the Fishing Hole…

1 Corinthians 10:13:  No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.


Everyone is tempted.  But not everyone gives in.  With God’s help, anyone can resist any temptation.  Often, we get ourselves into trouble by tempting temptation.  Instead , we should train ourselves to recognize what tempts us, turn from that temptation and continually pray that we are not drawn back into that trap.  The fact that we are tempted does not make us sinful.  Christ demonstrated this when he was tempted by Satan in the desert.  Read Matthew 4:1.  Times of temptation can build character if we do not give in.  Remember, Christ was tempted, and he will not leave you alone in your temptations.  Read Hebrews 2:18. 


Like Aunt Bee, have you insecurities made you prone to temptations?  Give an example.

Personal Response.


Like Andy, have you made an effort to avoid temptations?  Give an example.

Personal Response.


As bad as Aunt Bee felt before she gave in to temptation, afterward she felt worse. The shame we often feel after giving in usually outweighs the momentary pleasure temptation brought. One reason we feel disappointed in ourselves is because we sense that we have failed a test.  Indeed, while God does not lead us into temptation, he does allow us to be tested with the choice to sin or be delivered.  Read Matthew 6:13. 


Like Aunt Bee, have suffered the consequences of giving into temptation?  Give an example.

Personal Response.


If Andy was tempted to judge Aunt Bee, you would have never known it.  Sympathy for others, based on our understanding of our own weaknesses , can lessen the temptation to pass judgment on those that have given in.  Similarly, we are blessed to have a Savior who is able to sympathize and provide an example for not giving into temptation.  Read Hebrews 4:15. 


Unlike Andy, have you judged those who have given in to temptation?  Give an example.

Personal Response.


Action: Get Your Bullet…

James 1:13-14:  When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.”  For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone, but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.


Sometimes when a temptation overpowers us, our very next temptation is to blame God.  However, in using this excuse or any other, we refuse to accept responsibility for our own actions.  Instead, we should acknowledge our sin, so that we can confess and receive forgiveness.  Only when we recognize our own weaknesses can we begin to understand how God can satisfy our desires.  Read Psalm 103:5.  Conversely, temptation can also come through our areas of strength, after an accomplishment or triumph, as it did with Christ.  Read Luke 4:1-2.  In either event, the only way that we can consistently resist temptation is through knowing , believing, and obeying God’s Word.


Why should you resist temptation?

When we focus more on the object of our temptation than God, that thing becomes a false god, from which we cannot draw any strength.  In this way we give our temptations power over us.


What could you do to avoid temptation?

Often we get ourselves into trouble by tempting temptation.  Instead, we should train ourselves to recognize what tempts us, turn from that temptation and continually pray that we are not drawn back into it.


Why does God allow us to be tempted?

The fact that we are tempted does not make us sinful, giving in does.  God does not lead us into temptation, but he does allow us to be tested.  Times of temptation can build character if we do not give in.


How will you deal with the next temptation?  How can you help others to resist?

Personal Response.