Episode  Title: The Loaded Goat

Lesson Title: Account Me Out

Biblical Theme:  Accountability


Romans 14:12  So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.


Sometimes buck=passing seems like the new national pastime.  Today, most folks avoid accountability.  But the Lord directs his people toward it.  For a Christian, being accountable means being responsible for doing God’s will.  Because each person is accountable to God, not to men who can be deceived.  We must take upon ourselves to assume responsibility for our actions.  Jesus did not avoid his responsibility and was held accountable at a most severe price.


Parable: The Moral of Mayberry…

Here, no one stood accountable for his actions, so almost everyone paid the price in the end.  Hudge tied Jimmy up.  Barney pushed Jimmy out.   And Otis made him mad enough to ram, the straw that broke the goat’s back.  Not to mention, the Mayor denied the real reason he bought in dynamite!  Briefly describe how each person dealt with or did not deal with accountability.

Andy: accountable for protecting the town.

Barney: pushed Jimmy out, protected town.

Hudge: left Jimmy, lost him, looked for him.

Otis:  ran Jimmy from cell, made him mad.

Mayor: brought dynamite, created situation.


What did you do last time a mistake was made?  How do you respond to blame?

Personal response:


Accountability starts at the beginning, because our actions are judged in the end.  Read Obadiah 1:15.  Make sure you feel fine with an open account of any action.  Even actions done in secret are not hidden from God.  Consider what the Mayor gave for an account and what he was accountable for. 


What did the Mayor say about the underpass?  Would he have started if he had to tell the truth?

He said the underpass would benefit the town, when actually it would benefit his brother.  If he had to reveal the real reason for his actions first, he probably would not have started it.


Being accountable means acting responsible.  God assigns you a place to do the work of his Word.  Read 1st. Corinthians 7:24.  If you don’t assume responsibility first, you could suffer the consequences later.  Think about how Hudge and Barney responded to Jimmy. 


What kind of owner was Hudge?  What could he have done differently with Jimmy?

Nice guy, bad steward.  He could have kept Jimmy with him or left him with someone.



How did Barney react to Jimmy at first?  As a result, what did he have to do a bit later?

He didn’t deal with Jimmy.  He pushed the problem out the door.  Later, he had to deal with the consequences when he searched for Jimmy, found the goat and safeguarded him.


We’re accountable for ourselves, whether we admit it or not.  While blaming doesn’t actually make others responsible, shirking our duty angers both them and God.  To readily accept accountability, act in accordance God’s will and show others that you know him.  Read 1rst. John 2:3. 


How did Otis explain the fight with Jimmy?  How did Andy and Barney become accountable?

For the fight, Otis blamed the goat.  Andy and Barney, everyone but himself.  Andy and Barney became accountable because they were faithful to their duty to protect the public.


Reflection: At The Fishing Hole…

Hebrews 4:13  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.


The Lord knows everything about everyone everywhere.  He knows all about us and yet he still loves us.  While you cannot earn salvation, that comes through the mercy of Jesus Christ, you can please God when you follow his will.  Read Romans 3:19-20.    It is your responsibility to obey his Word since your disobedience can hurt others.  If you want more of his love, be accountable for more responsibilities.  You can’t say you know God if you don’t do what he says.  Read 1rst. John 2:4. 


Hudge and Barney dodged their duties and the result literally came back to bite them!  You should take every opportunity to be accountable because irresponsibility often carries a price, both here and in heaven.  Read Proverbs 19:15-16.  This is why God gives you guidance through his Word.


Like Barney, have you avoided an opportunity to be accountable?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Like Hudge, have you paid a price for being irresponsible?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Andy had to make up for a mistake he didn’t make. Likewise our selfish actions can cost those around us.  When you obey God’s Word, you live up to personal responsibility.  By contrast, your disobedience can hurt not only you, but others as well.  Read Jonah 1:8-9.  For the sake of both, do what God wants.


Like Andy, have you suffered consequences of another’s responsibility?  Give an example.

Personal response.



Action: Get Your Bullet…

Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Do what you do for God.  Your actions make you accountable.  What you do reveals who you are, whether you are righteous or sinful.  Read Proverbs 20:11.  Sinful conduct can produce serious consequences, both for you and those around you.  A good life demonstrates wisdom through deeds done in humility for others.  Read James 3:13.  As a Christian, consider what others think of Christ when they see you. Bring honor to Jesus with how you live each day, wherever you go, whatever you do and whatever you say.


Why will you be accountable?

God will judge you by your actions.  Even actions done in secret are not hidden from God.  If you don’t assume responsibility first, you could suffer the consequences later.


What will you be accountable for?

For a Christian, being accountable means being responsible for doing God’s will.


What will happen when you follow God’s will?

You will please God, bring honor to Jesus and show wisdom through deeds done for others.


Are you comfortable being accountable?  Have you prayed about your actions?

Personal response.