Episode  Title:  Andy Discovers America

Lesson Title: Teacher’s Pest

Biblical Theme:  Teaching


Psalm 143:10:  Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit leads me on level ground.


Teachers and students agree, teaching is tough twice, it’s tough to teach and it’s tough to be taught.  Yet while we all need guidance in our lives, knowledge for its own sake is self-centered.  We should ask to be taught to do God’s will, not our own.  God teaches us when we listen to him, learn his Word and obey his commands.  Whether teacher or student, rather than ask God to answer every question, we should seek his overall direction for our lives.


Parable: The Moral of Mayberry:

Andy learned that teaching isn’t for everyone after Opie got a lesson in the art of ignorance.  When Opie said homework is hard, Andy agreed history isn’t easy, and Helen Crump all but broke out the dunce hats for the Taylor boys.  Meanwhile, Barney showed that a mind can be a terrible thing, if you don’t use it.  Briefly describe how each person dealt with teaching.

Andy:  taught Opie wrong.

Barney: didn’t learn but wanted to teach.

Opie: learned wrong before learning right.

Helen: worked hard to teach students.

Students: resisted learning then wanted to learn.


Who have you taught, and what have you taught them?  Why do you want to learn?

Personal response.


Good intentions don’t excuse bad teaching.  Good teaching centers on what you say, as well as what you don’t say.  Teachers must not only say the right thing at the right time, but also stifle any urge to say things they shouldn’t.  Read James 3:2.  Consider what Andy did and why Helen got so mad.


Did Andy give Opie bad advice?  What could he have said better?

Andy was well-intentioned.  But he should have been more sensitive to how his comments were heard.  He should have emphasized the importance of teaching and learning.


Was Helen right to get so mad at Andy?  What should Andy have said back to her?

Helen was right.  Andy interfered with Opie’s learning. Andy should have said he was sorry.


Learning requires real effort.  Listening just requires ears.  If we pay attention, God will teach us through the Bible, the Holy Spirit and our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Read John 6:45-46. Being open to God’s teaching may mean actively seeking his direction.  Recall how Opie listened and what he learned.


Was Opie a good student or a poor student?  How much of the responsibility was his?

He was a good student when his interest was engaged and a poor one when not.  Sometimes a student is only as good as the teacher.  But he was still responsible for his efforts to learn.


It’s never too late to teach or learn, no matter our age or station in life.  In fact, only by continually reading God’s Word, do we begin to see God’s will.  Read Psalm 25:5.  We never outgrow our need for the Lord’s guidance.  A man’s years mean nothing next to God’s timeless message.


How much should Barney have known already?  Was it all right for him to learn too?

Maybe Barney should have known more.  But none of us can be too knowledgeable.  Neither someone’s age nor his level of education matters.  We should never stop learning.


Reflection: At The Fishing Hole…

Proverbs 10:17: He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores corrections leads other astray.


We teach others by our actions, both good and bad.  When you act badly, you teach others to sin.  It would be better for you to drown in the sea.  Read Luke 17:1-2.  This is Christ’s plan for your life, to help make disciples of all nations.  Read Matthew 28:18-19.  You are to communicate Christianity to commission others to teach more still.  When you act in this way, you work to extend the body of Christ around the world.


Like Andy, have you led someone astray by accident?

Personal response.


Opie didn’t want to learn, which made Helen not want to teach.  But the Lord wants his people to do both.  As a teacher, introduce the Good News to new believers.  As a student, become a disciple to accomplish good works.  Neither must discourage the other so that the church can be built up.  Read Ephesians 4:11-12. 


Like Opie, have you discouraged teaching by resisting learning?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Like Helen, have you tried to teach someone who didn’t want to be taught?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Barney wanted everyone to think he knew everything, but he didn’t want to tell them anything just yet.  Similarly, Christians sometimes feel

 we should have all the answers before we communicate our message.  Remember, the most important lesson is also the simplest; salvation comes from God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son.  Read John 3:16.



Like Barney, have you wanted to teach , but felt you lacked the knowledge?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Action: Get Your Bullet…

2 Timothy 2:24:  And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.


Good teaching can save lives. Bad teaching turns others from truth.  God’s servants make good teachers because they lead with kindness.  Indeed, teaching and preaching are similar in nature.  Read 1 Timothy 5:17.  While teachers offer explanation of the truth, preachers encourage application to daily life.  In either case, teaching should never be taken lightly.  Because your example affects others, teachers are judged more strictly.  Read James 3:1.  As you teach, check you effect on those that listen.


How will God teach you?

God teaches us when we listen to him, learn his Word and obey his commands.


How will you teach others?

You should communicate Christianity to commission others to teach more still.


Why will you be careful what you teach?

Not all should teach.  Your example affects others.  Thus, teachers are judged more strictly.


Have you taught someone wrong?  How can you correct that?

Personal response.