Episode  Title: “The Rivals”

Lesson Title:  “Nice Guides Finish First”

Biblical Theme: Guidance


Proverbs 11:14:  For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.


We all need guidance.  Even a great leader needs a greater guide.  Only a fool leads himself, and we should pity those that follow him.  The perception of one person can be hindered by bias , misunderstanding or lack of knowledge.  In fact, seeking guidance from counselors is a mark of wisdom.  Are you wise enough to follow the words of those who can lead you in the right way? Ironically, when we fail to seek the guidance of the Lord, we can actually fail to serve our own best interests.  Develop the desire to be guided by reading God’s guidebook, the Bible.


Parable: The Moral of Mayberry…

When Opie needed a guide, he got three, but only two worth following.  To lead Opie past the first pangs of puppy love, Andy gave guidance worthy of a father, and Thelma Lou gave guidance worthy of a friend.  But Barney gave guidance mostly to serve himself, which suitably led him further down the wrong path.  In the end, with the right guides, Opie found his way, while once again Barney found himself hopelessly lost.  Briefly describe how each handled guidance.

Opie: wisely sought guidance, humbly accepted it.

Andy: did not heed Barney, advised Opie out of love.

Barney: let pride spoil his counsel, listened to himself.

Thelma Lou: offered friendship to Opie as a form of guidance.


Have you followed someone’s guidance?  Have you given someone guidance?  For both, what happened?

Personal response.


The first step to being guided is to want to be guided.  Some of us resist guidance until it is our last resort.  Instead, we should seek guidance daily in matters both big and small.  Without a desire for guidance, we are left to lead ourselves, often proudly and in the wrong direction.  Conversely, God guides the humble in his way.  Read Psalm 25:9.  Consider why Opie asked for advice.


Why did Opie see guidance?  How did he show wisdom in asking for guidance?

Opie sought guidance at the first sign of trouble, girl trouble, in this case.  He was not prideful or stubborn, but an active seeker and a receptive learner.  In his willingness, he showed wisdom.





What makes a good guide “good”?  Often, it is the source from which he draws his counsel.  If that source is his own life, look at how he has lived.  Determine whether or not he has applied wise principles to himself.  We should eagerly seek guidance from those who demonstrate they have walked with wisdom.  Read Proverbs 4:10-11.  Think about the qualifications of Andy and Barney as guides.


What guidance did Andy offer to Opie?  Was this good advice?  Why or why not?

Andy offered the rules he himself had lived by.  His counsel was not for rash action but for careful consideration and cautious movement.  His own life showed the value of his advice.


Was Barney qualified to give guidance?  How did his lack of compassion hinder him?

Rather than learning from past bad experiences, Barney let them taint his ability to give good guidance.  Also, in his selfishness, he advised Opie mainly to get him away from Thelma Lou.


Guides can come in many different forms.  Some of them may look like friends instead of mentors.  In seeking guidance on a plan, remain open to multiple counselors, even if at first not all of their ways seem to address the problem directly.  Read Proverbs 15:22.  Success with a problem may be achieved by viewing it from different angles, or even not looking at it all for a moment.


How did Thelma Lou offer guidance?  How helpful was she by simply being there?

She let Opie step back from his problem to get a new perspective, even though he preciously considered her his “girl” for a moment.  As a friend, she was one of his most helpful guides.


Reflection: At the Fishing Hole…

Psalm 48:14: For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.


God wants to be our Guide, even to the end, and he knows the way there.  This demonstrates three important characteristics of any guide: knowledge, vision, and love.  Along with knowing the way, a guide should consider how his counsel will affect you and advise out of genuine care.  Read Proverbs 16:23.  Without these, both the guide and the seeker are in the dark.  God offers guidance with knowledge, vision , and love through the Bible.  If we will humbly submit to the Word, the Holy Spirit will guide us in God’s truth, the truth of Jesus Christ.  Read John 16:13.  Following this way leads to peace.  Pridefully going our own way leads to despair, an end no one wants.


Like Opie, have you showed humility in asking for guidance?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Like Barney, have been in need of guidance but too proud to seek it?  Give an example.

Personal response.



In getting guidance, Opie helped Karen as well.   When we act on wise counsel, we often benefit more than just ourselves.  For this reason, not only should we seek guides but we should urge others to seek them also.  In the absence of guidance, we may become like the blind leading the blind, causing both ourselves and the ones with us to fail.  Read Matthew 15:14.


Like Karen, have you benefited from someone else receiving guidance?  Give an example.

Personal response.


If Karen had anyone to offer her guidance, we did not see them.  Some people may find themselves in a similar situation without an obvious guide or mentor from whom they can seek advice.  However, even when a human counselor is not available, our heavenly counselor always is.  Just as sheep look to their shepherd, so we can look to the Lord and he will guide us.  Read Psalm 23:1-3. 


Like Karen, have you been in need of guidance with no one to offer it?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Action: Get Your Bullet…

Psalm 25: 4-5.  Show me your ways , O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.


God guides us in truth which gives us hope.  Often we seek guidance out of doubt, confusion or fear.  Sometimes the human guidance we receive does nothing to ease those worries.  Yet, because he is our Savior, the guidance of God always gives us a reason to be optimistic.   When seeking guidance, our impatience with uncertainty can cause us to demand immediate answers.  Instead, as the good shepherd, Christ offers to lead us in his way.  Read John 10:11.  Indeed, without having walked with Jesus, answers alone would provide merely temporary relief.  Only by being guided by the Holy Spirit can we grow to be more like Christ.  Read John 14:26.  And only when we are more like Christ should we offer guidance to others.


Why should you seek guidance?

The perception of one person can be hindered by bias, misunderstanding or lack of knowledge.  Ironically, when we fail to seek the guidance of the Lord, we can actually fail to serve our own best interests.


From whom should you seek guidance?

Those who walk with wisdom.  Along knowing the way, a guide should consider how his counsel will effect you and advise out of genuine care.  God offers this through the Bible.


When are you ready to give guidance?

Only by being guided by the Holy Spirit can we grow to be more like Christ.  And only after walking with Christ are we worthy of offering guidance to others, guidance influenced by his wisdom and love.


What is the next issue you will need guidance in?  When will you seek that guidance?

Personal response.