Episode  TitleThe Darlings Are Coming

Lesson Title: Crime and Commitment

Biblical Theme:  Commitment


Proverbs 16:3  Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.


To some of us, commitment is code for loss of freedom, to go anywhere and do anything.  But to the Lord, commitment means dedication and responsibility, two virtues he values highly.  Before you can commit to a task, you should commit the task to the Lord.  Often, commitment is a balancing act between trusting God as if it all depends on you.  Remember, god will give you strength to accomplish his interests.


Parable: Moral of Mayberry…

The Darlings walked a fine line between showing commitment and needing to be committed, to backwoods loony bin.  Mr. Darling was committed to hitching Charlene.  Charlene was committed to kissing Andy.  And Andy was committed to keeping the peace and quiet, while still allowing lots of mountain music.  Briefly, tell why each person showed so much commitment.

Andy: wanted to honor oath of office.


Mr. Darling: wanted to honor betrothal promise.


Charlene: selfishly tried to please herself.


Dud: wanted to honor Charlene.


What goal are you currently committed to?  Why did you commit?

Personal response.


Commitment indicates strength, not necessarily our won.  God empowers his people to do his will, just as he stands against those that don’t.  For this reason, both the worker and the work should meet the approval of the Lord.  Read 1rst. Kings 8:61.  Consider the commitment of Mr. Darling and Andy.


How long had Mr. Darling remained committed?  Was his goal worthy of that commitment?

He had remained committed for many years, since Charlene was a child.  His first intent was to keep his promise, or at least give Dud and Charlene a chance.


Why did Andy keep after the Darlings?  What was important to him about his job?

The Darlings kept bending the law.  When Andy took his job, he promised to keep the peace.




Often our commitment reveals our values, when it should reveal God’s values.  When you decide your own direction, you fail to commit your actions to the Lord, and then wonder why you don’t succeed.  Read Proverbs 16:9.  Recall what Charlene valued and how it determined her actions.


To whom was Charlene promised, and to whom was she committed?  Why the difference?

She was promised to Dud.  But she was committed to herself.  That is why she chased Andy.


Commitment begets commitment, which can lead to delight.  If you commit to someone, he will likely commit to you.  And as you delight in him, he will be a blessing to you.  In this way, commitment can be its own reward, both here and in heaven.  Read Psalm 37:3-4.


Why did Dud stay committed to Charlene?  How did she respond to his commitment to her?

Dud was a promise keeper.  Charlene was honored by the importance Dud placed on her.


Reflection: At The Fishing Hole…

Psalm 31:5  Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth.


Committing your spirit to God is the most important commitment you can make.  In order to commit to God, you must be devoted to Jesus, to whom all things were committed by God.  Read Matthew 11:27.  When you are devoted to Christ, you will be committed to doing what is good, and you will avoid foolish arguments.  Read Titus 3:8b-9.  In addition, you should commit your family and your possessions to God.  Through this commitment, you will receive eternal redemption.


Like Andy, have you committed to a higher purpose in your job?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Mr. Darling and Charlene were both committed to Charlene.  While a commitment to self only benefits one person, a commitment to others is like a commitment to God.  Just as the selfish seek only to please themselves and are doomed to fail, the Lord seeks those that do his will to bless them.  Read 2nd. Chronicles 16:9a. 


Like Mr. Darling, have you committed yourself to benefit another?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Like Charlene, have your commitments revealed you only value yourself?  Give an example.

Personal response.


Dud didn’t just keep his word, he kept somebody else’s word.  In a similar fashion, Christians live their lives by the Word of the Lord.  Read Psalm 119:4-6.  In the Bible, God has told the world how his followers will behave.  If we are to honor his promise, we must act according to his law.

Like Dud, have you honored a commitment made for you by someone else?  Give an example.

Personal response.



Action: Get Your Bullet…

Psalm 37:5-6 Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.


To commit to God, live your life his way. After all, God works for his purpose, not to make you happy.  When you let the Lord determine your goal, he strengthens you to accomplish his plan.  Read 1st. Peter 4:11.  God wants you to use your abilities to serve others, not yourself.  When you help others, they see Jesus in you and praise him.  To achieve success, align your purpose with God’s purpose.  Read Romans 8:28.  God can care for you better than you can care yourself, not only in this life, but the next as well.


Why should you commit to anything?

The Lord values commitment more than freedom.  He wants dedicated and active believers.


What is the most important commitment you can make?

Commit your spirit to God.  Be devoted to Jesus and his will.


When will God help you achieve the goals you commit to?

When you let the Lord determine  your goal, he strengthens you to accomplish his plan.


What do you want to commit to?  What do you think stops you?

Personal response.