We would like to share our experience, strength and hope with others using the 12 step principles of a developed program started back in July of 1935 that has proven to have saved countless lives including my own with a spiritual structure of guidance.

Over my 38 years of recovery I have witnessed many times visitors that would sit in on the experience of their loved ones utilizing the AA program, listening to their feedback, I found that they enjoyed the program for themselves very much.

But, they could not or would not come on a regular basis due to feelings of not belonging as the program is so specific to recovery from alcoholism only. 

Therefore, if you don't have an alcoholic way of life making your life unmanageable, there is really no need to be there, only to support your loved one.

This I truly believe is a restriction of basic principles that only can benefit people that have hit their bottom that is defined as disease when in fact all of humanity could benefit from these principles.

I would like to make available the 12 step principles to anyone, especially people that are powerless over other people, environment and or, their circumstances that are making their lives unmanageable.

Handicapped, poverty, racism, religion, politics, poor health, or even old age can make us feel inadequate or less than and is too easy to veer off to a self-centered path of destruction.

My life took several steps down as I grew up with the lowest self-esteem, depression, loneliness, self-pity, free falling undirected life that led me to a victim role where the alcohol was a temporary fix for these feelings.

I have come to learn the hard way that drinking alcohol and becoming dependent physically is just a symptom of the base problem.

I truly believe that God allowed me to go deep into my self-centered lifestyle to hurt bad enough to finally surrender to His attempts to call me to Him and his guidance all along.

I love what the forward to the book, "The Road Less Traveled" says: "Life has problems, once you accept this; it is no longer a problem"

No matter whom you are, man, woman, different race, whatever religion, military or politician, we are all on this earth and in this life together and that we all have problems.

The answer seems to be how we deal with our problems.  With my problems, I just took the easy way out and did what I knew, that involved alcohol, and it kept taking me downhill and I would just blamed someone or something else for my problems.

 This to me is the easy way out, that I think everyone has built into them, and in my case, took on a victim role.
   I have witnessed how too much self-centered power is so destructive in so many people's lives and it almost destroyed mine.

I think of Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson as examples of self-centered power that money and fame are not the answer and that a drug is a drug to me mind and mood altering.  Alcohol or a pain killer to make me high is both equally destructive, as I was dependent on both at different times.
Elvis and Michael are no longer with us and cannot express recovery as they did not get their chance.

But I would like to present an opportunity for anyone that is willing through a convenient media of a phone conference call, To get involved with others outside of the self-centered bondage as painful as it  is, to take responsibility for themselves. To give them a starting point of hope for their future with a lifestyle of helping others.

Obviously God has saved me from destruction on a daily basis up to this point, but I have something to say,
total self-expression.
I love this phrase because it encompasses so much, the good and the bad, the destructive and constructive. The honesty to admit who I was and what I've done, to realize that I could ultimately be forgiven for my past. The learning that I have experienced, the realization that recovering from my past and that by sharing my experience strength and hope could actually help and lift up others in a positive way.
To find out that the only way I can keep recovery is to give it away.
To find out that the spiritual way of life is real, that it saves lives miraculously.
For I know it wasn't me that saved myself.

It was only after surrender, and my willingness from hurting so bad that I finally decided to try this lifestyle of a power greater than my own.

I suddenly realized that there was freedom and liberty in my life in giving up a constant self-seeking and self-centered lifestyle. To realize that God could save me when I could not save myself.

This is the sequence of events that happened to me as I only became willing to try this way of life.
Surrender to a power greater than my own.
Accept my life and circumstances as they were.
Gratitude, to give me a starting point towards a new beginning.

To realize that the God that I now believe in, was working in my life all along and that He had a design for my life.

If anything that I've expressed above gives you hope or inspiration and are interested in participation, please call the conference number below even if only to listen.  Participation if welcome also.

The conference calls will be held on Thursdays at 7 PM eastern and will last for 1 hour

Call in number: 351-999-3996